This Fun Pop 8 ounce Popper features a heated corn deck, tempered glass windows, and a stainless steel kettle integral element. A popcorn maker is most commonly used in theaters, areas, convenient stores, and even concession stands. If you are looking for an economical 8 ounce popcorn popper, the Fun Pop 8 ounce is your answer. Want to be mobile? Add a
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Features:- Crumb tray for easy cleaning
- Non-skid rubber feet keep the kettle stable during use
- Twin arm kettle suspension for:
- More working room in cabinet
- Prevents accidental oil spills
- Sanitation approved
- 8 ounce EZ Kleen stainless steel removable kettle
- Heated corn deck
- Unpopped kernel tray.
- Dimensions: 19"W x 19"D x 29"H
- 8oz of popcorn every 4-5 minutes
- Optional Matching Cart Available
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